March audaciously forward or the audio-visual translation under the age of cognitive revolution
We are now at the crossroads of times. We are living under the change of technological patterns of life and thought. Under the age when the very model of understanding the world is changing. This is the cognitive revolution. And it has its own child - the massive amount of visual, game, merging and absorbing audio-visual materials. To work with them we need new species - an audio-visual translator. The very same translator who has to follow the inevitable advance of the progress at the same pace. But how can we raise a new species?
Speaker's brief
Co-partner of RuFilms group, director of the Audio-visual translation school RuFilms. Author of practical educational workshops dedicated to the audio-visual translation in 11 Russian and 3 foreign Universities. Translated more than 10k hours of the audio-visual content. Member of the European Association for Studies in Screen Translation.